For the first time since I got back here in Rexburg, it was really sunny. There had been days where it was spots on blue sky, but never really that sunny. Usually it was a mix of overcast and fog (I didn't know you could even get fog if you were this far inland and away from a large body of water) which would make it bright, but it was all gray and just kind of pissed me off.
Today however, as my apartment left for church this morning. It was sunny. 80% or more of the sky was blue and I finally didn't feel depressed to be back in Rexburg. This feeling was short lived as it is now again more cloudy than not, and has informed me that we'll be getting around 6 inches of snow in the coming days.
It was fun while it lasted I suppose.
Yesterday though, I went ice skating with some good friends from Fremont. I've only ice skated maybe 3 times prior to that, only once being in my adolescent years. I'm about as good as any other amateur, but I'm determined to be able to hold my own by semester's end.
All in all, the weather continues to make me hate my parents since they can wear t-shirts outside and ride their bikes. In just over 2 months, I'll be joining them. I cannot wait.
Things aren't a whole lot better here--it's 38 degrees outside at the moment, but I suppose that's a major improvement over the current 11 degrees in Rexburg. It's the winter blahs, but these too shall pass.
Oh, and Mom and I were forced to wear long sleeves Saturday morning. It was awful!
Ha, Becca and I went ice skating when she came to visit and we were both dismayed to find out that we are not as good as we thought we were. Oh well.
I'm getting a little tired of the cold and blizzard-ness of this winter as well, but thankfully we just have to hold out for a few more weeks!
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